pet health


Question by  bjfu (19)

Why does my dog have white gums and is shaking?


Answer by  Cyn (408)

It could mena that your dog is going in to shock. Shock can be a aign of a severe trauma or an injury. It can also be a sign of infecton.


Answer by  Mownstah (107)

He probably is dying. I would highly suggest that you take him to a veterinarian who would analyze him and give him any treatment he made need, which may be extremely urgent. If he has white gums, he's probably losing iron, or not getting enough iron in his blood.


Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

White gums is a serious sign of anemia. If your dog has had this condition for a while the reason he is shaking is because he may be going into shock. Take him to the vet!


Answer by  amberjusm (306)

If your dog's gums are white that means the dog is dehydrated, so you need to get the dog fluids and you need to get the dog to the vet. There are no two ways about it. Your dog is sick and needs a doctor.


Answer by  Anonymous

He could be having a seizure. A petie mal seizure.

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