


Question by  jamilea (238)

Why does my cat rub my legs?


Answer by  SunnyStars (836)

This is a sign of affection. A cat shows love by rubbing against a leg or by kneading with their paws. A female cat that is being overly affectionate may be in heat.


Answer by  jen37 (1135)

It could be several things. It could just be looking for some love'n, or if it occurs more at particular times of the day, it could be looking for some good-eats, or even looking to be let out. Or, maybe, just because it is a cat, and feels like it.


Answer by  furface (12)

Cats have scent producing glands located on their faces and rump. They rub these on your legs to mark you with their scent, thereby claiming you as belonging to them!


Answer by  graycat (174)

Your cat is marking you as belonging to him. When a cat rubs his face or body against something, he releases pheromones that other cats can detect.

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