


Question by  meku (1)

why do tomatoes get spoilt faster than rice?


Answer by  saravanan (91)

Only cooked tomatoes get spoiled sooner than rice. Uncooked or raw tomatoes remain as it is and stay good enough for a long time than rice.


Answer by  pradhaprajgmailcom (1518)

Tomatoes are juicy where as rice is a grain with dry content.The bacteria in tomato acts as a catlyst spoil tamato;absence of this bacteria saves the rice.


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

A tomato being fresh produce only has a short shelf life. Rice because it is a dried food in sealed packets will last longer.


Answer by  samar (124)

Most probably because tomatoes are liquid inside and rice is dry so its obvious that tomatoes spoil faster then the rice.

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