

Question by  Sonny (44)

Why do the lightbulbs in my garage keep exploding?


Answer by  SriLanka (264)

I can think of three reasons: 1) its too cold in your garage for the bulbs you are using, 2) you are using a bulb with too many watts for the socket, 3) some kind of electrical problem that will require an electrician to fix.


Answer by  John (9008)

While this could be caused by severe weather, the most likely culprit is an electrical problem. The socket probably is getting power surges. This is a fire hazard. You should call an electrician to come to your house and replace this defective socket immediately.


Answer by  caftril (176)

Lightbulbs can explode if they are high wattage, and the garage is very cold when the bulbs turn on. This is especially true if the bulbs are an inexpensive no-namo brand. It can also happen if the bulbs on for long periods. This weakens the cement that holds the glass bulb into the metal screw base.

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