
 plants  why


Question by  graycat (174)

Why do my new plants droop?


Answer by  Grace24 (18)

Plants droop when their water levels are off. Including both under and over watered plants. Check the soil and make sure the plant is located in appropriate sunlight.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

It's pretty common for plants to go into shock when first moved/replanted. Another cause of dropping is insufficient water, or too much water for some plants(succulents).


Answer by  jswierko (43)

Your plants may be drooping because they need to be watered. They could also be drooping because they need more or less sunlight than they are getting.


Answer by  Ginsing (38)

They might not be getting enough water. Maybe they're getting too much. Search on the internet, to see how much water and sun the plant prefers.


Answer by  strchild65 (74)

Usually a plant's leaves begin to droop if they need watering. Sometimes plants droop if they have become root bound.

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