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 insects  why


Question by  Jim62 (28)

Why do mosquitos bite some people and not others?


Answer by  YellowCup (1650)

Our bodies give off scents. Some people give off a scent that attracts mosquitoes, while some people give off a scent that repels.


Answer by  GaPeach (25)

Studies have shown that there is a likelihood that genetics plays a role in being a mosquito magnet. It is also known that mosquitoes are attracted to certain substances on the skin's surface, i. e. cholesterol, acids, and steroids. The higher the concentration, the increase in mosquito bites.


Answer by  rbiales (3441)

Mosquitos like other creatures have different tastes and go for higher blood sugar levels, female hormones, and a lack of eating aromatic foods. Since I watch my blood sugar carefully, am male, and eat lots of garlic and spices I am usually the last to be bitten at any picnic.


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

The answer lies in the aromas that the mosquito senses person to person. There are several proteins in the mosquito's antennae that sense the odors our skin puts off. They are repelled or they will munch on you! Those that attract mosquitos more include pregnant women, alcohol drinkers, and people with type O blood.

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