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Question by  daguilar (17)

Why do I keep getting an imminent hard drive failure notice on my Gateway laptop?


Answer by  ParrotPirate (477)

This message means you hard drive is going to die,soon. Back up all of your files and replace either the drive or the whole system.


Answer by  markochiguegmailcom (514)

It is very likely that the hard disc drive in your laptop is about to fail. Backup your files and get a replacement as soon as you can.


Answer by  Phil28 (379)

Harddrives have a feature called SMART which monitors a plethera of parameters like read and write errors. If values reach a threshold it will trigger this kind of warning. One way to take a look at that is the SMART-Monitor of PartedMagic, a free linux. Backup often and replace soon.


Answer by  Gunrunner (561)

You are getting this warning due to an imminent failure of your hard drive. Backup any data you wish to keep to another hard drive or on CD's, NOW!


Answer by  ATVRACING250ex (84)

Your hard drive has crashed. Hopefully you might be able to recover your data but most likely not. You can reinstall windows hopefully or you may need a new one.


Answer by  Xisco21 (110)

It is likely that the hard drive contains 'SMART' technology that monitors for read/write failures along with other hard drive error conditions. If certain error thresholds are exceeded you will be warned that a failure is imminent, so you can back up data before it fails.

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