

Question by  mubarak (31)

Why do I have pain under my breasts?


Answer by  ramesh (17)

the pain under the breast may be by the cause of menstrual cycle or by any harmonic changes that is changes in harmonic balances in body or any blisters can give the pain to the breasts if any changes occurs in ur breast means at first it also may cause some pains


Answer by  pradhaprajgmailcom (1518)

If you stop breast feeding abruptly this pain will come.Dis you feelany lump under the breast? If you have pain may show up.Last but not least this pain may herald a cancer growth not neccessrily. Did you hurt yourself in that spot recently? Some galnd secreation may be affected to cause this pain.Consult a doctor.


Answer by  nonameguy (41)

Pain under the breast can be caused by a pinched nerve, or caused by a muscle spasm. An easy way to check if the issue is muscular is by rubbing the area, if it hurts to the touch then there may be a spasm present causing the problem. A doctor should be consulted to rule out any major issues.


Answer by  Cheryll (152)

The first is assess other symptoms like palpating the breast for presence of lump, presence of sores in the body that doesn't heal, sudden unexplained weight loss, and complaining of indigestion or difficulty of swallowing. If these symptoms are present, consult immediately to a doctor because these might be signs of breast cancer.

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