

Question by  dardvl (21)

Why do I have little dots on my feet?

I think they might be bites, but they are tiny


Answer by  Mable (3008)

I have seen this twice: Once there was a flea infestation, primarily in the carpets. Another time I was working at a shelter and there was an oubreak of bedbugs.


Answer by  MikeMcStudly (35)

Little dots on feet can be caused by a few things. The most common cause for these bumps is called athlete's foot, a type of bacteria that grows due to the heat and moisture of your skin in your shoes. Another cause could be an allergic reaction either to your socks or laundry detergent.


Answer by  Arcadia73 (47)

I would imagine that they are either mosquito or bed bug bites. Bed bugs tend to leave multiple small red marks on their victims. Could be fleas also?


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well there are many reasons you can get dots on your feet. It could be because of small insect bites. It could also be a reaction to the climate that you have where you live. But if you think they are insect bites, then apply after bite and they should be gone soon.


Answer by  aleva932 (101)

Its most likely an allergic reaction to something. It could be a bite but if they're that small I doubt it.


Answer by  vimalmay15 (122)

One usually gets these kind of dots on there feet when they keep there feet wet for a long time,this can be because of sweat staying in it.

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