Can you provide options for water retention in my legs assocatied with type 2 diabetes, low testoserone, over weight and a cut in my leg?
How can I get slim legs?
If I broke my leg on someones property are they liable for my injuries?
Should I worry about leg hair loss?
What are some good antibiotic creams for an infected cut on my leg?
What could be causing a red swollen leg?
Why do I get severe leg cramps?
Question by diane (117)
Answer by kmac (235)
You could be allergic to the fabric or dye in your pants or if you have recently changed laundry detergents, you might be allergic to the new soap.
Answer by noey1958 (1405)
This could be as simple as leaning on something or a rash,bug bite or even Cellulitis. This can be treated with antibiotics.Cellulitis is easily managed when caught early.
Answer by XjoshhyX (132)
You may have a red area on your leg for a couple reasons. The main reason is a rash forming on your leg or bruises.
Answer by gummie (738)
Hopefully, your leg does not have any pain or swelling. This coupled with a red spot on your leg could be a sign of a blood clot. See a doctor.
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