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Question by  JDand43 (59)

Why do I always seem to attract a certain type of male?

I always end up with the bad guy and have no idea why.


Answer by  tuppyqueen (311)

It might not be that you simple attract the bad guy "type" but that you not necessarily knowingly, but you might search for this type of guy. Trying looking a bit harder for those "good guys" they are out there and waiting for a special person just like you. You just have to stay away from the "bad guy" places


Answer by  Annie82 (373)

Perhaps you overlook the signs (or red flags) early on. Working on self-esteem issues (love yourself first) can change your outlook and your appearance too, like posture, etc. Make a list of characteristics for what type of man you really want or make a collage from magazines with words and photos to describe your ideal man.

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