


Question by  klmake1 (21)

Why do dogs always jump on me?


Answer by  yellowbutterfly (30)

If a dog jumps up on you he also jumps up on everyone else, for the most part they are excited to see someone new in their enviroment. That is their way of greeting you and excepting you, saying "hey I'm o. k. with you coming in my territory". With proper training the owner can impliment more acceptable behavior.


Answer by  Cathy65 (652)

Dogs may jump on you because they can sense you are afraid. There are two ways to avoid this. You can turn your back on the dog when he or she jumps on you. Or you can lift up one knee when the dog jumps on you. Both of these things should stop the jumping.


Answer by  debmalewski (1085)

Generally dogs jump on people because the dog is excited and hasn't been trained well. Perhaps you seem like a nice, friendly person and maybe smell good, so they want to be closer to you and your smell! Or, maybe you have a hamburger in your pocket?! Raising your knee to the dogs chest will help prevent the jumping.


Answer by  blahblah33 (34)

Dogs jump on you because they want to prove their dominance. When you enter a room with a dog, remain calm. Do not look at the dog or touch it. Let it get used to your presence through your smell. Try to eminate a calm, dominant energy. This should help.

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