

Question by  sauvblanc (96)

Why do cartoons always show people holding a steak to their black eye?


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

There is a myth that putting a steak on a black eye will help it heal faster. It is a good idea to apply an icepack or other cold item to the area, but not raw meat. In fact, raw meat can promote infection since it often contains e. coli.

Reply by catman529 (809):
E. coli doesn't infect wounds. It causes sickness if it is consumed.  add a comment

Answer by  hopekori (38)

Cartoons show people holding a steak to their black eye because the steak is supposed to replace what should be an ice pack. The steak would have been in refridgerator which would leave it at a cooler tempurature so that it could function as a substitute for an icepack. The steak would prevent extra swelling in the eye.


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

When you get a bruise something cold is used such as a steak or a ice pack. This is incorporated into the cartoons. Steak is probably more easy to show than a big bag of ice especially in the earlier cartoons of the 50s and 60s, when the graphics were more basic. Slapping steak about is more funnier.


Answer by  bob69 (82)

A steak is one funny way for someone with a black eye to ease the swelling. Additionally, it is believed that there is something about the meat that will help keep the black eye from swelling. A steak is quite a bit more humorous than an ice pack held to the face.

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