

Question by  sheila23 (18)

Why did my dog throw up right after he ate?


Answer by  Lore (174)

Some possibilities could be: ate too fast, food was spoiled, or if fed cold food right out of the fridge. Health issues such as worms or kidney failure could also be a problem. If it continues, might be best to have the vet look at him.


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

There could be a number of reasons for this. He might be ill, he might have eaten something that his stomach didn't agree with, he might have eaten something that was not food, or he might just have eaten too much food so his stomach wanted to release it. Give his stomach a little rest and try again.


Answer by  tc25dreamer (180)

It might be a reaction of what he ate. Try not to feed him the food you did after he threw up. It could have been rotten food. Take your dog to the vet.


Answer by  sweetiejen (107)

Your dog most likely ate his food too fast. It might be a good idea to feed him two or three times a day to avoid eating too much too fast.


Answer by  Ravi (50)

This may be due to the hot food served to your dog or the non-veg food served without bones which he gulped at once or due to a digestive system problem.

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