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Question by  gdtr (12)

Why am I smelling fluid from my parakeets?


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

This could be from lack of a clean cage by daily changing the papers in the bottom of the cage. . Also check the consistency and size of the birds droppings this can show if your bird could have an illness.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

If you're detecting, and particularly smelling, fluid you need to see a vet. In all my years of owning Quakers and parakeets I have not encountered this- I may be missing something, but a detectable odor is almost always a symptom of infection, or may be a result of fatty tumors due to feeding only seed. Please see the vet.


Answer by  worker2746 (2434)

This is most likely their urine that you are smelling. It can have a strong odor when they are mating or when they are molting. Check your cage for the odor.


Answer by  Alynight (78)

The reason your smelling fluid from your budgie could be kidney infections ,diarrhoea. Diarrhoea is a disease caused by different pathogenic germs. All this, can make it smell.

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