

Question by  mogili (48)

Why am I seeing floating spots?


Answer by  Binome (1975)

Floating spots, called "floaters," are harmless. Floaters are deposits of some sort floating around inside the vitreous humor in your eyeball. In all but the most severe cases, no treatment is necessary. If it is obscuring your vision, see an ophthalmologist. Most floaters are left alone because the treatment can cause blindness.


Answer by  firinne (24)

They're probably floaters, bits of cellular debris swimming on your eye's surface. Normal unless you see a lot of them all the time.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

1. You could have a head injury. If you have had a head impact, see a doctor immediately. 2. It could be from exposure to bright light.


Answer by  Ginny (2251)

You are seeing eye floaters, miniscule clusters of cells inside the gel that fills your eye. They are common and usually do not create problems.

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