

Question by  clyn (51)

Why am I seeing bright white floating spots?


Answer by  Melissa101010 (4405)

You are probably seeing white spots because of the medicine that you are taking or because you looked directly at the sun.


Answer by  Anonymous

that happens to me.its usually only when you look directly at the sun or a light.if its all the time,you should see a doctor.


Answer by  maelab2 (262)

You could be having "floaters," or you could be seeing auras due to a migraine. Also, you might be experiencing a drop in blood pressure. You should see a medical professional to help determine the cause and correct steps to remedy the situation.


Answer by  A22 (40)

Floaters are usually harmless. They are visible against lighter backgrounds and may fade over time. Floaters occur when a fluid within the eye called vitreous becomes dilute, which is quite common with increase in age. However, sudden flooding of floaters with vision impairment needs immediate medical attention.


Answer by  Halloraib (42)

It is a migraine headache in your eye. The blood vessels are being pinched. That is what causes the white floating spots. Take Excedrine Migraine and rest for 20 minutes.

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