


Question by  vishal78 (10)

Who starred in the "Dead Zone" movie?

Was it Anthony Michael Hall?


Answer by  jangm96 (899)

'The Dead Zone' movie starred Christopher Walken. But there was a tv series made, starring Anthony Michael Hall called 'The Dead Zone'. Both were based on Stephen King's novel


Answer by  shallora (104)

"The Dead Zone" was a 1983 movie directed by David Cronenberg and starred Christopher Walken as the main character, who discovered psychic abilities after he wakes u from a coma. Anthony Michael Hall starred in the television series named "The Dead Zone." Both were based on the 1979 Stephen King novel of the same name.


Answer by  julieannbrown (34)

Christopher Walken was the main actor who starred in the Dead Zone movie. Tom Skerritt and Martin Sheen also starred. Anthony Michael Hall starred in the television series of the same name.

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