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Question by  surya (21)

What is involved in 2 zoned air conditioning?

I'm considering a two zone AC system.


Answer by  cslocklear (38)

This system has two motorized dampers which divert air to two different parts of your structure. Each damper is controlled by a thermostat in each zone.


Answer by  pixy25 (10)

2 zone air conditioning is conditioning the air in two different areas of home or office. For example:- one unit is for the ground floor and the other unit for the upper floor. In that case, you can set the temperature of thermostats of both the units in two different levels as per your requirement of air-conditioning.


Answer by  jijo67 (112)

A two zone AC system consists of a HVAC 2-zone controller and separate dampers for separate zones for maintaining two temperatures in two zones.

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