

Question by  cwaters2120 (31)

Who qualifies for Cobra health insurance?


Answer by  johnresa (2455)

When a person has health insurance from a job and they are no longer with the company they qualify for Cobra benefits. Their dependents are also qualified for Cobra as well.


Answer by  Ken56 (1160)

Workers and their families who lose their health coverage from their employer have the right to continue their health care plan under COBRA. This for a limited period of time, and requires certain circumstances to be met, including voluntary or involuntary loss of job. Qualified employees may have to pay up to 102% of the premium cost.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

You qualify for COBRA health insurance when your job related health insurance is lost. This can be upon layoff, firing, or the death of the job holder for whom the health insurance was tied. You must then pay the premiums to keep Cobra health insurance. If you did not sign up within 60 days, you do not qualify for it.


Answer by  dorropen (34)

Anyone who loses their job. If they are fired or their company downsizes. They have the option to keep their company insurance for 18 months but they are required to pay the full premium.

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