

Question by  sabeenaIbrahim (41)

Which species of bears live in the southern hemisphere?


Answer by  jdmjam09 (26)

The Andean or "Spectacled" bear resides in South America and is the only species of bear to do so. The Brown bear once flourished in Mexico has now disappeared.


Answer by  toastedcheese (216)

Only the spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) lives in the Southern Hemisphere. They are found in South America, mainly in forested mountains.


Answer by  kissamedeadly (133)

Commonly referred to as the spectacled bear or Tremarctos ornatus is the only bear that lives in the southern hemisphere.


Answer by  Zaka (2315)

The Spectacled Bear, otherwise known as the Andean Bear. They live in Peru, Western Bolivia and Northwestern Argentina. There have been other bears, but this is the remaining species.

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