


Question by  mfernandez (36)

Which is easier to take care of, a foxface or tang fish?


Answer by  Tank (539)

This is an in depth question, in order to keep either one of those fish, you will need a large tank. Not only large in water volume but also in length. Tangs swim long distances each day. The best choice would be a yellow tang or blue tang to start with if your tank is over 75 gallons.


Answer by  AlexStoica (32)

I would definitely have to say a tang fish, especially the pacific blue tang, because they don't eat as much as the foxface, meaning less money spent on fish food.


Answer by  Michael86 (16)

In general a Foxface would be a little bit easier to take care of simply because they tend to be more docile fish. Tang's are a little bit more aggressive which can be more difficult to deal with for obvious reasons so it would be better to pick up a Foxface if you have the choice.

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