

Question by  Oui (17)

Where did the mellowphone come from?


Answer by  Gabriel (2146)

The horn style was developed in 1855, in Paris France by Antoine Courtois. The name is actually a tradmark of Kohler & Son.


Answer by  anon1981 (15)

The modern version of the mellophone horn originates from Kralise in the Czech Republic circa 1890. This mellophone "the classic" was marketed to the United States.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well it was actually developed in Paris France around the 18th century. Thus, it was made by French people and it was commonly used at festivals and all sorts of occasions. The first brand to introduce this type of horn was Kohler and Son and since then they still produce this style.


Answer by  Clairlyssia (233)

It was originally known as the Koenig horn. It was made by Antoine Courtois in 1855. In 1868 A company made some knock offs of the original horn and they became known as a "Mellophone"


Answer by  LeheckaG (1826)

The "mellowphone" is fingered/shaped similar to a trumpet and sounds similar to a French horn, primarily used in drum & bugle corps, and marching bands (in place of a bigger/heavier French-horn). It appears to have been developed in the later half of the 19th. century by U.S. musical instrument manufacturers.


Answer by  JRago (38)

The Mellowphone was invented in Kraslice in (what is now) the Czech Republic. It is a variation and evolution of the Koenig Horn.


Answer by  Goldie (121)

The mellowphone came from musicians who wanted to include the high brass sound of the french horn on the marching field.

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