

Question by  alleydny (23)

Where can you purchase balloons filled with helium?


Answer by  Jen99 (416)

You can purchase balloons filled with helium at any party store. They also have helium filled balloons at most grocery stores.


Answer by  diva25 (4016)

You can get those at any party store. Party City or another place like that is a good place to start. There may also be some local places that have them as well.


Answer by  unimaginativeone (116)

Florists and gift shops both tend to sell helium balloons. Many card shops now sell helium canisters so you can buy balloons and inflate them yourself. Just make sure you buy specific helium balloons as these are made of a stronger plastic and won't burst when you fill them with helium.


Answer by  wendym1597 (224)

You can purchase balloons with healium at a party store, where theres a lot of party supplies, also you can find cute ones at walmart.

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