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Question by  kgirl (29)

Where can I find a pillowcase pattern?

I want to make some cases to coordinate with the room decor.


Answer by  sarah1967 (626)

Pillowcase patterns can be found anywhere they sell sewing items, some Walmarts even sell patterns and materials.Happy sewing to you.


Answer by  Petalmaker1 (263)

The easiest place to find a pattern for the pillowcases you wish to make - is in your linen cupboard! Undo an old pillowcase and see how it is made and how the ends tuck in (or button up). Lay the unpicked pieces over your new material, cut and sew.


Answer by  PattySage (34)

Pillowcases are quite easy to make.You can make 4 seam or 3 seam styles.Online you will find many sites that instruct you on creating standard to fancy pillow cases with trim.These site are all free.Try Bing,Yahoo or Google and type in the words free pillowcase patterns.


Answer by  Megan80 (161)

The best place to find a pattern is at a hobby lobby or Joann's or any craft store. You can also purchase a pattern on Etsy. Pillowcase patterns are easy to construct with butcher paper if you google how to make a pillowcase.

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