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Question by  JimBeam (34)

Where can I buy pigeons?


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

Pigeons can be bought off the internet and shipped to you. Purchasing them from information out of bird magazines, especially those about pigeons, is another option. There are associations for pigeon owners that can be of help. Your local pet stores or farm feed stores may be of help.


Answer by  manypets (10)

You can buy a pigeon from a bird breeder. Many are registered with bird clubs. Do a google search for "bird clubs" in your city. Another way is to look in the pet section of the Buy and Sell, , or .


Answer by  amtcura66 (1340)

You don't need to buy pigeons! They are all around your city, usually. If not, then go to another city and trap their pigeons! Your action will be greatly appreciated considering there are too many pigeons around pooping on people and their cars! Also, I believe wild pigeons are larger.


Answer by  raun08 (1839)

There is a network of pigeon and dove fanciers. Checking the phone book or the local event adds should put you in contact with them and through them, reputable breeders.

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