

Question by  Kathryn (19)

Where can I buy Oscar replicas?


Answer by  a28 (212)

it is illegal to use oscar replicas, maybe you can buy it on the market, i doubt there is one here on the internet. try it on medal shop around the market, or you can buy one on statue stores. try your luck on finding a replica, i doubt there is one


Answer by  wallaby78 (2293)

Try Ebay! They have many different Oscar related products, and you can get a deal if you find the right seller. Bid a price you would be willing to pay.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Many costume stores carry these kind of products because they go good with Halloween costumes. You can also go online and type "Oscar Replicas" into your search engine and there should be several online stores that sell replicas of the statue. They should be relatively easy to find and purchase.


Answer by  Brett (7986)

I would recommend going on to ebay, craiglists or kijjii, however you could also go to an antique or collectible store (website) and see if they might have what you are looking for.


Answer by  LaurenHebbe (300)

For people that are interested in awards that are won by celebritys, go to your local award maker and maybe they can make a custom one for you. If all else fails look on a bidding website and see if anyone has a replica of one that you can bid on and get for a cheap price.


Answer by  rannit (91)

Like most anything else, you should always look online for your purchases. You can google for replicas and several options will be available.

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