where to find


Question by  dunk541 (49)

Where can I buy Civet?


Answer by  Cali2307 (1337)

The civet is an exotic and rare pet and cannot be purchased easily. However, you may be able to locate one by working with a broker that specializes in locating and securing exotic pets. Try working with Exotic Pet Co, a company that works with zoos and others.


Answer by  bigdog22 (308)

You need to be more specific with your question. Civet is normally a word used for a type of mammal similar to a cat. It is also a musical group, a brand of coffee, and a fragrance. If you are interested in the mammal, I would suggest a rare animal dealer.


Answer by  aeturnus (474)

Civet could mean a number of things, including an unusual mammal used to produce a strange type of coffee called exotic dung coffee. But, Civet is also the name of a rather unpopular rock band who has a few releases under the belt. If that's what you're looking for, then check out CD Universe.

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