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Question by  Ken31 (54)

Where are the "drive-through trees" located in California?

I want to be sure and check them out when we're on vacation next month.


Answer by  Sam74 (14)

The famous and popular drive thru trees are located in a few different parks in California. One of the most popular places to visit these trees is in the town of Leggett, California. Leggett is located about 175 miles north of San Fransisco on the US Highway 101 and Coast Highway 1.


Answer by  gbarfield (49)

These wonderous trees are located in northern California. Avenue of the Giants is located off US 101 and there are several of these tree areas featuring the drive-through trees. There are also picnic areas set up in some of these parks. Check the internet for more information of these parks.


Answer by  dlraska (460)

The Redwood National Park is located on highway 101. It goes from the California and Oregon border down through Oxnard. It is one of the best scenic routes ever seen.


Answer by  mannersandsuch (1796)

there is one tree that you can still drive through in the redwood national forest. It is a great attraction make sure you don't miss it!

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