


Question by  mynewbaby (20)

When should I plant pumpkin seeds?


Answer by  slmturk (24)

You can begin planting pumpkin seeds in the spring after all danger of frost or freezing temperatures has passed. The exact time varies depending on which area of the country you live in. Spring arrives sooner in southern states than in northern states. The USDA Hardiness Chart may help in planning your planting time.


Answer by  raven (241)

Pumpkin seeds are best planted in the ground after the spring rains have died down and the temperature is at a consistent rate of low seventy's. The alternative is to pot them earlier and then transfer at this time.


Answer by  manju (82)

pumpkin seeds should be dried in sunlight for some days then they can be plant in soil,and then water should pour every day.


Answer by  getoutdoors1 (40)

The ideal time will depend on your location, or "zone". Warmer zones will allow you to plant earlier, while colder zones will require that the seeds start inside before planting.


Answer by  jane51 (287)

pumpkin seeds should be palnted in the first part of june, if planting the smaller type called jonny pumpkins can plant later since they take less time to grow and mature

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