

Question by  ashley17 (48)

When do you spray a weeping mulberry for bugs?

I need to know the optimal time to spray for bugs.


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

Springtime is when lots of insects lay eggs. When you see the first sign of pests you need to take action! Do not use any insecticides or homemade bug repellents when the tree is pollinating as it will keep bees away, and the mulberry needs them for pollination. Products containing Neem Oil are safe for mulberry trees and is recommended.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Just watch for the bugs to start and then spray just make sure you do it after the sun goes down in the evening so that it doesn't burn.


Answer by  thurston81 (72)

Before spraying for bugs you need to make sure that you are not over watering, this will cause fungus and bugs. If that leaves turn yellow it is over watering or bugs. Neem Oil is recommended for bugs, it's safe and organic.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

You spray for about 2-3 minutes. That is the optimal time to spray the bugs and get them out. Do it longer if there are more bugs.

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