
 taxes  when


Question by  MiaBeenThere (18)

When do you create an audit plan?


Answer by  tim133 (34)

Audit plans can be started six months before a business's audit year starts. Audit plans can require management as well as staff so it is best to start early. Before you create your audit plan you should have three things in mind; know your companies goals, examine your resources, and create an objective for your audit.


Answer by  sanityrose (2664)

You should create an audit plan once your realize your company's over all goals. Know the resources you have available and what the audit objective will be.


Answer by  fiona (208)

You can do an audit when you need to make sure people are adhering to regulations within your company or in a particular department. You can also audit procedures to make sure they are accomplishing what you want to accomplish. You can see if organization and timing is on point.

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