united states


Question by  nolimitsdude (20)

When did African American slavery start?


Answer by  Anonymous

African American slavery started in 1619. That was the date that they had started to ship African American slaves around the world and sell them to people for about $1200 to $1250 just for one slave.


Answer by  addymaddy (39)

African American slavery started in the year 1515. The Portuguese were the first to embark upon the slave trade starting around 1562


Answer by  DouglasEarlClore (1236)

1619 seems to be the date that the first ship carrying slaves arrived in the new world, although they were captured in battle at sea and not part of the "slave trade". The first slave designated by law as "property" in the New World was John Casor in 1654, declared to be property of a black colonist namend Anthony Johnson.


Answer by  Anonymous

ii personally thiink that iit started back when people got really lazy and deciided that siince there's people out there iin foreiign lands that don't have jobs, then they would just briing them here, wiilliing or not. free workers basiically... but they were stubborn anyway so yea watever!

posted by Anonymous
That's the same thing that i said because I belienve that they didn't want to do anything for them selves and wanted other people to do their jobs. So, they picked African Americans because they thought that they were hopeless but useful.  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

hello i like blck ppl


Answer by  Anonymous


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