

Question by  Erin (30)

What's the difference between a rabbit and a hare?


Answer by  Karthika (48)

Rabbits and hares belong to the same genus leporidae. Rabbits are born blind and hairless but hares are born with sight and hair. Rabbit lives in burrows but hares live in simple nest on ground. Rabbits are generally smaller than hares. Hares diet is very simple than rabbits. Hares are not domesticated but rabbits are kept as house pets.


Answer by  hrpoorna (155)

Rabbits live in bush and in gardens of our home where hare's can be found only in forest. Rabbit's ears smaller but in case of hare they are double the size of rabbit. Hare are big and strong in comparing with the rabbit. Hare's are extremely fast runners in comparing with rabbits.

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