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Question by  Connie123 (44)

What's the best way to clean a stove top?



Answer by  dannyg28 (3070)

I have found the best way to clean a stove top is vinegar and baking soda it is an inexpensive way to do this and it takes all of the grease and grime off of the stove top, If you have a ceramic top stove then after you should polish it with ceramic stove top polish.


Answer by  geethaanjali (13)

clean part of the stove which can be removed.burner racks remove from the stove and put them in ahot water and let them soak for half an hour.with help of(cleaningsoap or soda powder) to clean top of the stove scrub a way layers of burnt-on food.then wash again clean water.have to clean the burners again,Use TSP on stove vents hoods.

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