

Question by  stevehewitt13 (14)

What's the best diet for a gastric ulcer?


Answer by  mannersandsuch (1796)

Avoid things that have acid in them, its not good for you have a lot acid like in citrus fruits, sour foods, tomato, even caffeine should best be avoided. Look for high carb foods if you feel a flare up and look for simple plain things as well.


Answer by  littlegee (192)

The best diet for a patient with stomach ulcers should include proteins, which include milk, meat, egg, cheese. One should avoid any foods high in acid such as citrus, tomatoes, and chocolate. You should also avoid caffeine.


Answer by  trudie1962 (1022)

When I had an ulcer, my doctor counseled me to stay away from acidic foods: tomatoes and tomato sauce, citrus fruit, vinegar (including salad dressing) and highly spicy foods.


Answer by  MikeG (1650)

With a gastric ulcer, you want to stay away from anything that is high in thermogenic spices as this could flare up the ulcer and result in excruciating pain. Also any foods high in citric acid as this could cause a flare up as well. Mainly stick to foods that have high base content.


Answer by  angelsmom08 (200)

You should eat foods that are low in acid content such as fruits and vegetables. I also believe that non-fat or low fat milk products is best because it stabilizes the pH level in the stomach.


Answer by  Doomstoned (1454)

Individuals afflicted with gastric ulcers should adhere to a diet that avoids caffeine-containing beverages and foods such as cola drinks, coffee, tea, and chocolate. Citrus and tomato intake should also be reduced or eliminated. Evenly spaced through the day meals should include portions of milk, cheese, egg, and or meat.


Answer by  Vivi55 (287)

Avoid overly acidic foods (such as tomatoes and citrus), caffeine, and fried foods. Include protein and softly steamed vegetables at every meal.

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