Can you perm and color your hair in the same day?
How do you strip a perm?
What is the best kind of spiral perm kit to buy?
What is the recipe for a good hair perm neutralizer?
What is the time limit to dye hair after getting a perm?
What kind of perm is best for loose curls?
What should I do, perm or color first?
best hair
Question by karenkay (343)
I need to make cuts in my budget.
Answer by Tracipoo (1329)
loreal makes a really good home perm. id get someone to help you. be sure to time it exactly right and it should turn out good.
Answer by NGoodson (3395)
Ogilvie makes some good at home perms that get good reviews from people who have tried them and you can get them for under $10.
There aren't a whole lot of home perms on the market these days, but I've heard that the Ogilvie brand is affordable, comes with good instructions and is easy to do yourself.
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