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Question by  johnny2211 (27)

What would be the HCG quantitative levels if you were pregnant?

My doctor called me with my hcg levels but I do not know if that means I am pregnant.


Answer by  dcbuis85 (267)

A HCG measurement less than 5mIU/ml is considered negative and a measuremnt of 25mIU/ml is considered to be a positive. Though HCG levels alone are not completely accurate.


Answer by  Lisa50 (493)

Figuring out the HCG(Human Chrionic Gonadotropin) depends on your level. Some people are harder to read than others. Normal pregnancy test are designed to read the minimum requirements to be pregnant. Doctors, on the other hand, take blood and examine the HCG levels thoroughly. If the doctor said your HCG is over 25 mlU, you're pregnant. If under, not pregnant.


Answer by  G12345 (1808)

The only 2 things that can produce Beta HCG are pregnancy and cancer. The values from a quantitative will help the doctor decide the age, single or multiple pregnancy and the chance of ectopic.


Answer by  Angela17 (697)

There is really no single "normal" hCG level and there is a very wide range of hCG values as pregnancy progresses. In most pregnancies at hCG levels below 1,200 mIU/ml the hCG usually doubles every 48-72 hours and increaseses every two days. Call your doctor back.


Answer by  omI (2)

it will be in thousands if you are still pregnant. hcg level is sign of pregnancy and if you are decreasing hcg, its a sign that you are loosing pregnancy


Answer by  Molae06 (1467)

HCG levels that are greater than zero can only mean so many things. If you are pregnant, recently had a baby, or recently miscarried, your HCG levels would be elevated. If none of those apply to you then elevated HCG levels are a sign of certain cancers like ovarian or uterine cancer.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

In order to be a viable pregnancy your HCG quantitative levels should be higher than 20. Your levels will double every 24 to 48 hours, your current level will depend on how far along you are in the pregnancy. You should also have your progesterone checked to ensure it is high enough to substain a pregnancy.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

In order to test positive for pregnancy your HCG quantitative levels should be at least 20, anything lower is considered normal.


Answer by  alisha1234567890 (1)

my doctor did hcg and it was negative but only had a peroid for 2days hptest shows positive whats going on i had etopic before confused and now got peroid again but real brown and no color red at all

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