

Question by  camille (50)

What will happen to my fingerprints if they got burned?


Answer by  Huntress (1935)

First and second degree burns will only affect the upper layers of the skin while third degree could damage the skin enough to change the prints permanently.


Answer by  bobbym (55)

Odds are nothing serious will happen. Once the tips of your fingers grow back your prints will return to their original state.


Answer by  pixelkitty (14)

Your fingerprints will grow back fine, if it's mostly a minor burn. However, a third-degree burn would end up burning through and replacing them with scar tissue.


Answer by  Javaholic (227)

Fingerprints are made up from the little ridges on tips of our fingers. When it gets burned or cut, the unique ridges are changed. The finger & toe prints taken when we first born will not be the same as after we have aged or have had accidents. A burn will alter the prints.

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