

Question by  sauvblanc (96)

What ways have you changed your lifestyle to try to help save the planet?

I'm trying to make lots of little changes, adding a new one every few months.


Answer by  4lizzieb (120)

I've committed to only using baking soda, vinegar and lemon juice as cleaning supplies for my new apartment.

Reply by elsewhen (627):
good start, but we've got to do more than that. i think transportation makes up the lions share of our impact on the environment. taking public transport or riding a bike instead of driving can make a really big difference.  add a comment

Answer by  somerset (801)

Some simple rules are don't waste, whatever it is, water, electricity, food. It does not matter how much it cost, or you do not need to wait until some law is passed. Be aware of your habits. Is it necessary to have the lights on in the whole house?


Answer by  4lizzieb (120)

there is absolutely no reason to try to save the planet. in the words of george carlin, we're the ones who are screwed.

Reply by sauvblanc (96):
my sentiments exactly! child free for life!  add a comment

Answer by  elsewhen (627)

compact fluorescent bulbs help save a lot of electricity. the bulbs have become very cheap now - the electricity savings will save a ton of money too (and you are helping the environment while you are doing it!)

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