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Question by  Mark85 (24)

What steps are involved in framing stained glass?

I've created a small stained glass piece of art, and would like to frame it. How do I do this?


Answer by  fiddlefaddle (883)

You can purchase zinc frames at the hardware store, make sure you have the measurements. It is easy to fit with the right measurements


Answer by  Janet73 (78)

Get a frame, and some little plastic widgits that you can screw to the wood to hold the piece. Your local glass supply shop should carry them.


Answer by  Molae06 (1467)

You should use a zinc frame, because it will be sturdy enough, as well as look nice. To do this measure all sides of your project, use a fine tooth hack saw and cut the pieces of zinc, insert the glass into the channels inside of the zinc strips, voilĂ !


Answer by  jeancowling (40)

Purchase a frame that fits the size of your art. Frames can be ordered in any size from a framing shop; most shops will insert your art for no extra charge. To insert the glass yourself use glazier points or staples to hold the art in the frame.

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