

Question by  Teri (27)

What should I know about stage 4 glioma removal?

A friend has just been diagnosed and I don't want to ask him too many questions as he seems very depressed.


Answer by  Syl60 (33)

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and most aggressive type of primary brain tumor in humans. Initially there is the standard of care that most patient will get, rad/temador, then temador, mri every 2 months. If there is progression there are alternative treatments.


Answer by  LadyDiamond30 (138)

stage 4 glioma can be removed numerous ways. Symptomatic therapy relieves symptoms and improves the patient's functions.Palliative therapy,improves life survival.Radiotherapy reduces the size of the tumor after surgery.Chemotherapy cares fore the tumor after radiotherapy.Immounotheray replase the Giloma.


Answer by  labeba72 (52)

The glioma seems to be the term for a mass or tumor. The removal of the glioma will help reduce pressure on the brain. Be positive for your friend!


Answer by  JJP (360)

most Gliomas can be fully removed but if it can not be fully removed the patient will usually need to under go chemotherapy or radiation to get rid of the rest of the tumor. Patients live longer but also face greater risks of long-term adverse effects of treatment. The most significant adverse effects are cognitive problems with a removal.


Answer by  Dontbugme (697)

Stage 4 glioma is a very serious, end-stage cancer that usually takes a life within two years. Sometimes surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation will slow its progress but the outcome is inevitable. To my knowledge, no one has lived beyond two years and most succumb before that time.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

You need to contact the physician and explain who you are and ask them your questions they will be able to explain it so you can understand it better.

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