

Question by  GoodDad (32)

What should I know about rosebushes and pruning?


Answer by  LMSmegal (81)

Pruning rosebushes is essential to ensuring the bush continues to grow. Prune dead flowers and stems as you see them, and prune down to the base during the dormant phase.


Answer by  lpfirman (403)

Pruning is vital to having a beautiful rose bush. It takes practice ant time to learn to properly prune the plant so that it remains centralized.


Answer by  puzzlelady (62)

Rosebushes should be pruned in the early spring or late fall and any new sucker shoots that grow around the base of the rose should be removed.


Answer by  kipcat (1964)

Pruning of rosebushes should be done in the spring or fall. Prune any dead brances and cut back the plant as far as possible to produce a bushier plant the next season.

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