

Question by  Binkmeyer (23)

What should I know about plum pits and dogs?


Answer by  Max82 (270)

Plum pits as well as some other fruit pits contain a toxin called cyanide which can be very dangerous and even fatal to your dog. Some signs of a possible cyanide poisoning in your dog may include vomiting or stomach upset, labored breathing, cardiac arrhythmia's or even coma. Your dog must go the vet if you suspect ingestion.


Answer by  rogera (788)

If the dog swallowed the pit give it a day or rwo to see if it come out in it's feces, if he becomes sick, neasea and such take him to the vet.Plum seeds if chewed by a dog has cyanine compound that is poisonous to dogs and he will definately need to see the vet.


Answer by  sweetiejen (107)

Plum seeds contain a cyanide compound that can be poisonous if your dog chewed the seeds. Take your dog to the vet if you see any worrying symptoms.


Answer by  Sara89 (367)

Plum pits are toxic to dogs. They can cause diarrhea and in small breeds, swallowing a plum pit can cause intestinal obstruction.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

You should always be careful about giving human food to dogs as it can be toxix. Additionally, you need to be careful not to let the dog swallow the pits.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Although a plum won't kill your dog it's never a good idea to feed your dog human foods. Some can be lethal and others are just too hard for a dog to digest. Human food was simply meant for humans and not dogs. Don't give your dog plum pits. He could choke on the plum pit.

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