

Question by  jenmats (24)

What should I know about Norfolk pine care?

I just got a tree.


Answer by  agean09 (24)

Norfolk pines are best suited as indoor plants. They need to be turned a few times a week so as to avoid phototropism. They enjoy temperatures around 60-70 degrees.


Answer by  rbaugher (39)

Well the ideal climate is cool and bright, it responds well to daylight temperatures ranging from 60-70 and slightly cooler at night. When it is actively growing with a fertilizer formulated for indoor foliage plants. Its not unusual for this species to be in a period of rest during the winter months.


Answer by  Marcinj (39)

Norfolk pine grows well in almost all moderate temperatures/climates but grows the best in cooler temperatures ranging from 60-70 degrees. The pine should have bright, but not full sunlight, and should be watered weekly.


Answer by  mahavin (589)

The main aspect in pine care is pruning should be minimum to the level of removing only the dead branches.


Answer by  bdvance (32)

If it is a houseplant, the first thing you should do is water it. Next, transplant it to the next size container. Keep the pine in a bright room, out of direct sunlight. It is acceptable to put the tree outside for the summer months, but treat for insects before returning inside.

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