

Question by  rara (41)

What should I know about feline disc problems?


Answer by  Learner (350)

Disc problems in cats might arise due to slipped discs caused by accidents or degeneration of discs due to premature ageing. If the pet is unwilling to move or adhere to abnormal positions or weep while moving, then he/she might be suffering from disc problems. Immediately consult your vet who will perform complete neurological test using ultrasound or CT scans.


Answer by  Sherry97 (29)

Cats are less often affected with any type of disc problems. You will know if your feline has a slipped disc, by spinal pain which will result in abnormal posture.


Answer by  ramoskenneth285 (631)

Discs problems occurs when your cat experience some accidents due to prematuring age.Always consult your doctor in order to prevent some disc problems.


Answer by  LaurenHebbe (300)

Any cat or animal that has health problems you should take to the vet right away. A vet might have to do sugry on your cat to help it.

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