health conditions


Question by  codyp (27)

What should I know about being diagnosed with lvh and lae?


Answer by  DackThrombosis (1093)

LAE (Left atrial enlargement) and LVH (Left ventrical hypertrophy) are heart problems indicating mitrial valve difficulties (in the former) and hypertension (in the latter). They are treatable with medicine.


Answer by  Adrian29 (547)

You should not that with Exercise and a proper diet and treatment that these are reversible.You can still have a full and fulfilling life.


Answer by  jayshildeshmukrediffmailcom (16)

yaha i know that if the corner artery and suport if good then the matris give cmpertabele to relife and tognes on side of the matrixses ten its stand for lhv &lae

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