health conditions


Question by  Ein (34)

What should I do if my left leg feels numb?


Answer by  sharon63 (520)

If you feel numbness in your leg, you should try to move it to reestablish circulation. If massaging it helps, that would also be good. If feeling doesn't come back within 30 minutes, call your health provider. Sometimes this happens when it has been sat upon for too long or in the same position for too long.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

You should see your doctor soonest. This could simply be based on a minor injury or the way you use your leg, but it is also indicative of heart issues, diabetes, or a number of problems. Your body is giving you a signal that something is out of whack, and asking you to listen to it. I hope you will.


Answer by  Mary39 (521)

try doing some stretches every day over the back of a chair. if it doesn't get better, go to a chiropractor. you may have a pinched nerve


Answer by  John (9008)

While this could be minor, especially if it goes away quickly, it could also be a sign of a seirous neurological problem or even a stroke. You should see a doctor as soon as possible.

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