


Question by  123barbo (60)

What should I do if my dog is gagging?


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Take your dog to a vet or emergency clinic immediately. Could be a throat obstruction or something equally serious. If you care about your dog, you should make sure he/she gets medical attention as soon as possible.


Answer by  LuzLuna (53)

First you should massage the neck to make sure there is nothing blocking the throat passage. If he continues to gag, take him immediately to the vet.


Answer by  Carol57 (70)

Get it outside so it doesn't vomit on the carpet. If he is eating and eliminating normally, its probably ok. Otherwise check with your veterinarian.


Answer by  diva25 (4016)

I would take him to the vet to have them check him out and make sure that he is going to be ok. It might be something serious and it might not be. It is better safe than sorry in a case like this. I hope this helps you out.

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