health conditions


Question by  brianinmatawan (41)

What should I do if I feel a lump under my arm?

Could it be cancer?


Answer by  sarah1967 (626)

A lump under your arm could mean you have an infection in your lymph node. You should see a doctor and let him decide if you need an antibiotic. Sometimes a swollen lymph can be a sign of a more serious problem.


Answer by  Lornah (282)

Even though a lump under the skin might be a sign of cancer do not jump to any conclusion before you are diagnosed. It might be swollen lymph nodes or any other thing so visit a doctor first.


Answer by  YellowCup (1650)

There are multiple illnesses that can cause rash and joint pain to occur at the same time. Some of the most common are Lyme Disease, Dermatomyositis and Psoriatic arthritis.


Answer by  elynne (1153)

The thing to do is have a physican check it out as soon as possible. It could be something as simply as a swollen sweat gland that a antibotic can resolve. To something as serious as cancer. The condition, size and location of the lump is all very critical. Only physicians are trained to know the minor from the serios

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